Mittwoch, September 18, 2024

GreenVenture Forum 2024

Wissenschaftspark Gelsenkirchen Gelsenkirchen, NRW, Deutschland

Das GreenVenture Forum 2024 bringt innovative Start-ups aus den Branchen Klima, Umwelt, Energieeffizienz und Ressourcenschonung mit Business Angels und VC Investoren zusammen. 15 Start-ups, ausgewählt vom BAND Screeningkomitee, präsentieren ihre Geschäftsidee, ein Angels Panel fragt nach. Keynotes, Panels, Impulsstatements und Best Practice setzen Zeichen für grüne Innovationen. Direkt im Anschluss an das GreenVenture Forum 2024 […]

tech&taste #17

Maschinenraum Zionskirchstraße 73a, Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland

Geopolitics for the Internet Age: how tech became the new kingpin 2024 marks a decade since Paper magazine’s winter issue, with the cover shot of Kim Kardashian by Jean-Paul Goude, set out to #BreakTheInternet.

0100 Conference Europe 2024


After an amazing first event in March of 2023, Zero One Hundred Conferences brings the 2nd Annual, 3-day pan-european conference for the private equity and venture capital industry with 700+ Europe's leading LPs and GPs in Amsterdam in April of 2024. Why you should attend, more information & registration here.

hubraum StartUp Fiesta

hubraum - tech incubator of Deutsche Telekom Winterfeldtstraße 21, Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland

Are you a startup founder looking for ways to enter the CEE region? Or perhaps an emerging founder in Germany? An investor looking for promising startups? hubraum Berlin is delighted to introduce a brand new event format - say hello to the hubraum VC Talks x Pitch Me Baby Berlin, Vol. 1.  After an outstanding […]

BAI Alternative Investor Conference (AIC)

Kap Europa Frankfurt

With the BAI Alternative Investor Conference (AIC), the BAI, as an association and representative of the alternative investment industry in Germany, would like to offer the participants a platform for the professional exchange of ideas and furthermore contribute significantly to the fact that the topic of alternative investments is received with a better understanding by […]

Thementag „New Work – Herausforderungen in der neuen Arbeitswelt“

NRW.BANK Kavalleriestraße 22, Düsseldorf , Deutschland

Für viele Unternehmen bedeutet New Work ein vollkommen neues Mindset. Faktoren wie Potenzialentfaltung für Mitarbeiter, Work-Life-Balance, flexible Arbeits(platz)gestaltung sowie die Einbeziehung der Mitarbeiter in Entscheidungen, gewinnen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Erfahren Sie von und diskutieren Sie mit renommierten Referenten über Praxisbeispiele sowie was die heutigen und zukünftigen Herausforderungen von New Work sind. Mehr Informationen gibt es hier. Thementag […]

FIBE Berlin

City Cube Berlin Berlin, Berlin, Deutschland

Welcome to the world of fintech: where technology meets finance, where individuals and businesses are empowered more than ever and where innovative solutions revolutionise the way we manage our finances. As technology is growing exponentially, so is the world of finance with the fintech industry being at the forefront of this change. The fintech ecosystem […]